Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Karma On Wheels

Slow down and let other drivers merge and go ahead of you. Allow every pedestrian to amble

across the street, the slower the better. Is that extra five minutes of driving time going to ruin

your life? No, but being a patient, safe, and nice driver will make the ride all the more pleasant

and will send a ray of goodness in your wake.

Monday, January 13, 2025

Look Up!

Put down your smartphone and make eye contact, person to person. Nowadays, I consider that

a major act of kindness and courtesy, as well.

Friday, January 10, 2025

Veg Out

Have you heard of “food desserts”? I certainly never did until reading last year in The New York Times about entire swaths of urban areas with nothing but corner stores filled with processed, packaged foods and no produce whatsoever. I started paying attention and it is true. There is something you can do about it. By making a donation to WholesomeWave.org, they will provide fresh fruits and veggies to those underserved communities. How great is that? Actually, it is even better,as Wholesome Wave obtains their organic produce from small and mid-sized farmers.

Thursday, January 9, 2025

Be a Good on Your Own Block

Make a list of small things you can do around your house and place of work to conserve energy

and water, stop waste, and increase the recycling. Then start doing them!

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Operation Gratitude

I learned about this from my mom, whose church regularly sends cards, letters, and care

packages overseas to the armed forces. My mom and her fellow church ladies bake some of the

best cookies in the world, so they gather up all kinds of goodies and treats and send them

overseas where the taste of down home surely brings many smiles of satisfaction. Those who

are less gifted in the baking department (such as me!) can make a $15 donation to Operation

Gratitude, which pays for one care package for one serviceperson. Operation Gratitude 

(operationgratitude.com) has sent over a million of these kindness kits around the world!

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Scatter Joy All Around

Think about how you can create little moments of happiness for others. Help a friend plant her

garden, buy an extra coffee for a coworker, pay the toll for the car behind you on the bridge, and

even take your kids to a movie. All those little things can add up to big joy.

Monday, January 6, 2025


This is your life! Only you can truly control your choices. Choosing happiness is the best way to achieve being good to yourself as well as the world. Here are some suggestions for how you can ensure simple joy in your life:

*Be the best you can be by your own standards

*Surround yourself with people who inspire you and make you feel good

*Focus on what you have,not what you lack

*Optimism trumps pessimism every time!

*Smile often and genuinely

*Be honest, to yourself and others

*Help others

*Embrace your past,live in the present, and look forward for what is yet to come

Thursday, January 2, 2025

Just Say Hello!

Try something new this year and check out the Just Say Hello campaign on Oprah’s website. The campaign (find it at oprah.com/health/Just-Say-Hello-How-to-Participate) encourages kindness and strives to combat loneliness by reading and connecting. A howdy-do to a stranger might make your day and a new pal in the process. I read about this excellent friendliness project in Oprah’s O Magazine a few Sundays ago and immediately felt inspired to try it that day. My boyfriend and I went to do our weekend chores, which include buying fresh flowers from our neighborhood stand. An older gentleman was standing there smelling the roses, always a good idea in my mind. I remembered to say “Hi” as instructed by Oprah and he responded with a big smile and asked for my input on flowers for a lady friend. As you might imagine, quite a conversation ensued, and my boyfriend, who is even friendlier than I am, joined in. Soon the florist was involved and our new gentleman friend turned out to be a fascinating conversationalist. He had been a fighter pilot in the Korean War, very highly decorated, and had traveled all over the world before returning home to El Cerrito. Widowed some years back, he was only beginning to get back out there and date. After landing upon a carefully selected bouquet of red roses and pink lilies, he headed off to the dance at the senior center. I noticed he had a good bit of pep in his step and I remember having a good feeling about his first date. We kept our eyes peeled for Colonel Jarvis when in the vicinity of the flower shop, and sure enough, the next time we saw him he had pictures of his lady friend from the dance featuring a corsage he had gotten for her. Things were looking pretty swell all around and he looked pleased as punch.

So, thanks, Oprah, for another great idea!

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Resolve to Be a Force for Good in This World

New Year’s Day. Did you make a New Year’s resolution for this year? Throw that word resolution out the window, It’s not strong enough to hold people to their goals—or at least that is true for me and everyone I know! If you want to eat healthier, spend more time with your family, or finally volunteer at your church’s soup kitchen, go ahead and make these things happen. Tell people about your mission and maybe they will join forces with you. I had so much fun at Glide Memorial Church serving lunch that my friends asked to come along with me! Or, if you want to jump-start your New Year’s with a major act of kindness, head on down to LA for the New Year’s Race for A Place Called Home (apch.org). They are a safe haven in South Central Los Angeles where underserved youth are empowered to take ownership of the quality and direction of their lives through programs in education, arts, and well-being. These young people are inspired to make a meaningful difference in their community and world.