Thursday, October 18, 2018

Adopt A Classroom: Acts of Kindness

Teaching others is hard work and can be a thankless job. Teachers are very important. Image result for adopt a classroom photos of happy classrooms

Whether you are a student or have kids in school, approach your/their teacher and tell them what a great job they are doing.  Adopt A Classroom goes to the head of the class in my book for the good work they do: gives teachers a hand by providing needed classroom materials so that students can succeed.
It is estimated that more than 15 million children don’t have the resources they need to succeed in school and that teachers spend more than $1 billion a year stocking their own classrooms due to a lack of funding in schools. Supporting K-12th grade students, including public, private, and charter school classrooms, makes it easy for donors to provide funding and support to classrooms throughout America. Teachers register their classrooms and needs online; donors discover classrooms through simple search tools, and make targeted contributions.   Their goal is to connect donors with every classroom in the country. A plus!

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