Men need to remind their doctors, as well as it is not longer
only a women’s issue. Remind your close friends to do the same and maybe
schedule appointments for the same time so you can go together and have moral
support. It is important for us to be educated about all forms of cancer and to
take the necessary steps to stay healthy. Visit www.breastcancer.org to answer any questions you may have.
I am a breast cancer survivor and deeply grateful. I remember getting the
diagnosis and just going completely numb. I was like a zombie going through
motions of my life, getting up and going to work, cooking dinner, trying to
focus but all I could think was “I have cancer.” My friends and family got me through
it also a genius doctor who “got me” and understood that for me, it would be a
physical, emotions and also spiritual journey and had deep discussions about
all that. I am lucky in so many way, being “free and clear” for over a decade
now and also that I bonded with my female physician and she asked me to stay
involved in her practice as a counselor for the newly diagnosed. I am honored
and each time I work with someone who has just found out they have cancer, I
offer my story and all the success stories I have witnessed while listening to
their fears, dishing out lots of hugs and helping them in any way I can. This
is one of the best things I do with my life- using my wisdom to help another.