Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Every Tree You Plant Is Good for the Planet (and us people!)

In 1872, J. Sterling Morton came up with the idea that every year a special day should be put aside for tree planting. Thus he founded Arbor Day and that year over a million trees were planted in Nebraska. Probably now, more than ever, we need to honor Arbor Day, which is usually celebrated on the last Friday in April (some states choose different dates depending on their weather for best tree planting times).
Trees hugely improve the quality of our lives. They provide shelter and food for our wildlife, clean the air, absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen, they mask noise, prevent soil erosion, provide paper and wood for fuel and buildings, all this plus the joy and wonder of such a majestic and wonderful plant. Just imagine walking into a park or driving along the highway and there are no trees!

Celebrate Arbor Day by logging onto and finding out what you can do in your area. Save a tree by recycling paper. Plant a suitable tree in your garden or neighborhood and dedicate it to someone special.

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