On average, an American uses around six napkins each day-2,200 a year! If every American
used even one less napkin per day, more than one billion pounds of napkins could be saved
from landfills each year. Using cloth napkins can be even better!
On average, an American uses around six napkins each day-2,200 a year! If every American
used even one less napkin per day, more than one billion pounds of napkins could be saved
from landfills each year. Using cloth napkins can be even better!
“Contagious Optimist” Colleen Georges taught me this: It’s easy to judge others for their actions
and take for granted those we love or meet in chance encounters. We sometimes get so caught
up in our busy-ness that we forget others are busy too, they have rough days just like us, and
they benefit from our kindness just as we do theirs. Go out of your way to smile at strangers,
say good morning, say thank you, give a compliment, and listen attentively to someone who
needs your ear. Do it because you can, because it feels great, because it makes someone else
feel good. Don’t worry about a subsequent thank you; let a thank you be a beautiful perk,
rather than an expectation.
Look into a pen pal. Writing to someone in a foreign land-whether it be a soldier, a fellow
student, or a long-lost relative-can really help you gain perspective and will do the same for the
person you are writing to. Check out this website for more details on how to find a pen pal:
penpalworld.com. Letter writing is more meaningful than an email or text-this beautifully old-
fashioned tradition will bring lasting enjoyment to you and your pal.