Sunday, April 15, 2018

Show Your Love for the Planet By Getting a Rain Barrel

It is raining here in Northern California today and my garden and I are excited about it!

Consider getting rain barrel and your plants will thank you for it many times over:

• Install the rain barrel at least six feet from your house. Locating it near the area you’ll be watering the most makes for convenient use later.
• Ensure that your rain barrel has an overflow at least as large as your inflow—for example, if you have rigged it so that water is collected directly from your eaves’ trough downspout, your overflow valve should be as large as your downspout as well. This will allow your barrel to get rid of excess water as fast as it collects it, which might be necessary if you live in a city with crazy, unpredictable weather like my brother does.
• If you are using the rain barrel to water your garden, consider using a soaker hose. You can attach the hose to the rain barrel and then run it through your garden so that it covers the area you’d like.  Now, every time you see a rain cloud, you’ll get really excited!

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