Sunday, July 19, 2009

100% Discount Shopping

My "shopping bone" is broken. It broke long before the recession so I was already living fairly frugally. I admit to having been a shopper with Saturdays spent at Needless Markup (Neiman Marcus) for sales and Macy's and even Target and cute little boutiques with irresistible one-of-a-kind items that garner compliments and kvelling. But, a few years ago, I simply lost all interest in shopping. I would like to think it is some higher planetary awareness but that's not it. So, I took to turning down those Union Square shopping sprees with myriad excuses, finally admitting to my broken and apparently unhealed bone. Don't get me wrong, I still have a few weaknesses such as books, music, plants for the garden and scented candles.

With clothes, I call myself a "camel shopper" and shop once a year for clothes when my friends start complaining about seeing certain frocks a few too many times or when I need to look passable for an out-of-town convention. I go into the stores with a list go straight to the needed sections, moving quickly and efficiently.

Street shopping is a whole different ball game -furniture I see on the sidewalk calls to me with a siren's siren. I explain to people who might be riding with me that my ten year old convertible Mustang, Shadowfax, is like a truck -just put the top down and place the bookcase, chair, nightstand, or what-have-you in the back and drive away. I LOVE to rescue these finds and take them home to sand, repaint, gild, and filigree away. Half of my furniture are foundlings - glistening with gold leaf, copper leaf, and reupholstered with good quality fabric scraps. People think they are fine antiques and maybe one day, they will be.

For now, though, they seat my friends, hold my clothes, provide a place for memorable dinner parties and give me a great feeling of satisfaction that I can create beauty and comfort in a creative way for me and my loved ones. No amount of pounding the pavement and pillaging malls can give you that.

Look for beauty everywhere -it is there just waiting to be seen.

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