Sunday, August 22, 2021

Mindfulness at 55 MPH

    Be a mindful driver, not a distracted danger to yourself and others. Driving, texting, and talking on the phone are very dangerous. Typing out a quick text may feel harmless, but texting requires visual, manual, and cognitive attention that you should be giving to the road. Think about-and educate yourself on-the dangers of distracted driving. Here are a few statistics provided by to get you started:

  • An estimated 421,000 people were injured in motor vehicle crashes involving a distracted driver.
  • 11% of all drivers under the age of 20 involved in fatal crashes were reported to be distracted at the time of the crash.
  • Sending or a receiving text takes a driver’s eyes from the road for an average of 4.6 seconds, the equivalent-at 55mph-of driving the length of an entire football field, blind. Bottom line: don’t do it!

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