Monday, October 22, 2018

Be Open to the Possible

Start chatting it up and you never know what could happen. Prepare to be amazed!
 Image result for photos of random acts of kindness
My boyfriend has that magic ability to talk to anyone; 99% of the time, he has made a new friend, too. It is fun to watch him in action and he is definitely somebody you want to bring to parties and social occasions.  Be open to conversing with new people and becoming friendly with them. If you’re at a bookstore and see someone holding a book you like or are interested in, strike up a conversation and ask them about it. You may make a new friend or find out that they’re in the same business as you. You can network yourself and make connections at any time. Many people keep to themselves when out and about, either playing on their cellphones or avoiding eye contact with others, but this closes you off from being a productive individual. Being open to the possibility of a new friendship or work relationship helps share your ideas with others and creates more opportunities for you. In line at the Pacific Café in San Francisco on Geary Street, we met a woman’s whose cousin from Mainland China was being held in immigration detention for not having the proper paperwork and my boyfriend who is fluent in Cantonese was able to offer vital information to this family. You never know when YOU might need the help of a total stranger!

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