Friday, June 19, 2009

Invisible Rescue

This week has been odd, perhaps because of in incident that occurred Sunday night. I just can't stop thinking about it, in fact. 

 I visited Z Budapest Sunday, who has had successful surgery on her hips and a very long stay in the hospital. (I will add, though, that she had a fantastic view from her gurney -a panorama of the East Bay with the scary beautiful Mormon Temple anti-Disney castle right in the center.) We chatted, talked book ideas, and watched 60 Minutes wherein the Bernie Madoff whistleblower was laying out just now lame the SEC, even scarier than Mormon fortresses! Then Alice Waters caressed vegetation in an erotic way during prime time whilst an emaciated bucket of botox stood uncomfortably by. Z and I tried to guess Alice Waters sun sign; Z felt Aquarius or Pisces, and I opined her to be an earth motherly Cancerian who just wants everybody to eat their veggies. (I'll get back to you on this, I promise. ) A nurse wandered in and out, somewhat aimlessly, wanting to kick me out and really not enjoying our New Age natterings. She did manage to bad vibe me out of the hospital around 8:30 pm and I drove away, contemplating the eroticism of certain mushrooms, and made my way out of downtown Oakland toward Berkeley. 

As I drove slowly down San Pablo thinking about the bills I had to pay and deciding whether I could get by one more day without doing laundry, a little black car with a ravenhaired man and black dog came zooming across San Pablo, heading toward me and Shadowfax, my car. I braked but had nowhere to go, as plunging onto a pedestrian-filled sidewalk seemed an even worse idea. I braced for impact, figuring Shadowfax would be totalled and maybe me, too.  But somehow, in some way I just can't figure out, his car made an impossible 90 degree angle turn when it was inches away and missed me. I was gasping in shock as was everyone who saw it. The black car zipped away; I noticed the dog sitting in the front seat seemed unconcerned by it all. I contemplated chasing the car but I was really too scared to move or breathe or blink. In my mind's eye, it seemed like an unseen hand (albeit a large one) batted the car away.

I know that sounds crazy and that's okay. I finally got the nerve to drive the remaining dozen or so blocks to my house.  I was shaking and sheet-white. I practically crawled up the stairs. Shards of thoughts rattled around my brain -was it Robert? Do I have a guardian angel, even though I don't believe in them. I settled on a thought I could live with for the night, that "the universe" cut me slack because of the hospital visit. But,  I keep wondering what happened.

What do YOU think?

1 comment:

Lower Haight Holler said...

Alice Waters is a Taurus!