Friday, September 20, 2024

Power Your Life with the Positive

When life gets you down, remember to look on the bright side-and there is always a bright side. Be strong not just for yourself, but for those around you as well. Eleanor Roosevelt once said, “ It is better to light a single candle than it is to curse the darkness.” Look into the meaning of this quote: focus on the light in your life-and if there is none, try to be that light.

“Attitudes are contagious.Make yours worth catching.”

-David Mezzapelle

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Think Good Thoughts

Each morning, I state the intention of my day by thinking about all the good things that are going to happen. I also think good thoughts for my friends and loved ones, especially those going through difficulty. It certainly doesn’t cause any problems and I know it helps me, a lot.

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Surf’s Up

The Surfrider Foundation is an international nonprofit organization dedicated to the protection and enjoyment of the world’s oceans and beaches through conservation, activism, research, and education.

Local chapters of this 19-year-old group work hard testing our ocean’s water, cleaning beaches, campaigning, and visiting our schools for the benefit of all people, and hence marine life. The Surfrider Foundation distributes an excellent leaflet, “20 Ways to Cleaner Oceans and Beaches.” Call 1(800) 743 SURF, or check for a copy.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Every Drop of Water Counts

We take water so for granted. We leave the faucet running when we brush our teeth, over-water our gardens, wash the car too often, take baths every evening rather than a quick shower, or don’t mend that dripping tap. Become water-wise. At this writing, my landlord has not responded to my messages about the kitchen faucet dripping. So I have a bucket capturing it all in the sink and I use that to water my backyard. I always have a bucket in the bathtub to capture shower water and haul it out to water my front and backyard. I used to get really strange looks from neighbors but they are used to me now. A couple down the block started doing the same after we met at an afternoon block party!

Monday, September 16, 2024

How You Can Spare the Air

Here are some things that you can do starting today:

*Support our scientists by letting our elected officials know we need fossil fuel alternatives-wind power, solar power, and wave power.

*Choose more Earth-friendly transport, which also reduces smog-causing emissions.

*Recycle, conserve energy, and support the work of Environmental Defense and other environmental organizations.

*Go to and get involved.

Friday, September 13, 2024

Make a Social Call

Simply pick up the phone and call a good friend to talk about what is on your mind. Bare your soul; don’t be afraid to ask for advice. Talk about what is going on in the world and what you can do about it. In this age of texting and Twitter, I have discovered the old-fashioned phone call is very welcome.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Try Global Cooling, Instead

Scientists already know what is causing global warming and we are all contributing to it with our wasteful attitude and shortsightedness. We burn too much fossil fuel and massive deforestation of natural woodlands and forests continue unabated. Fossil fuels are pretty much pure carbon, laid down by the Earth over thousands and thousands of years. According to the folks at Environmental Defense, whenever you save energy-or use it more efficiently-you reduce the demand for gasoline, oil, coal, and natural gas. Less burning of these fossil fuels means lower emissions of carbon dioxide, the major contributor to global warming.. Right now the US releases about 50,000 pounds of carbon dioxide per person each year. If we can reduce energy use enough to lower greenhouse gas emissions by about two percent a year, in ten years we will lose about 10,000 pounds of carbon dioxide emissions per person.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Pay Tribute

On September 11, 2001, America experienced a shocking and tragic loss that still reverberates. VOICES of September 11th provides information, support services, and annual events for 9/11 families, rescue workers, and survivors. Help commemorate this tragic day by helping organizations like VOICES to prevent acts of terrorism, improve responses to traumatic events, and promote resiliency to our nation. Visit for more information and learn how to become involved. We can learn from our history by honoring the past. 

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Animals Have Rights, Too

Even with progressive legislation, our wildlife still faces a variety of threats. If it weren’t for organizations like Defenders of Wildlife, I doubt almost any animals would be safe. Alaska’s Arctic Refuge, the manatee, lynx, wolves, otters, and now the Endangered Species Act all are in harm’s way.

On, you can sign up for free wildlife updates, called Den Lines. Keep informed of any shenanigans going on and of how you can help, simply by using your mouse to make yourself heard. You can adopt an animal or two (adoption also makes a great gift!) or you can become a member and receive their excellent magazine. Defenders continue to need our support to carry on their fantastic work on our behalf… and on behalf of our wildlife and our wild places.

Monday, September 9, 2024

A Quarter for Your Thoughts

If you see a car parked in a metered spot that is about to run out of time, slide in some loose change to help avoid a parking ticket. Sometimes the driver is just a few minutes late and a ticket is almost a 100% guarantee to spoil someone’s good day.

Friday, September 6, 2024

Don’t Resent, Represent

Wash the dishes in your office kitchen. Your coworkers will notice that somebody did them and might return the favor of the anonymous example.

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Welcome Home, Baby (and Mom and Dad)

Make dinner for new parents the day they come home with their baby. Odds are they will be too busy and tired to cook dinner themselves. A healthy and delicious meal with plenty for leftovers can ease parents back home and into their new routine.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Go Ahead and Make Someone’s Day

Some shops have punch cards that offer a free product after a certain amount of purchases. When you reach the limit before you get a free item, give the card to someone in line behind you and surprise them with a free coffee, frozen yogurt, or sandwich!

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Food and Shelter

Next time you do your grocery shopping, pick up a large bag of cat or dog food to donate to a local animal shelter. Your goodwill will be repaid to you with many loving licks.